I'm getting a bike. A BMW.
/ok so i have one already, its actually been a few months, but im just starting this tumblr to document my ownership, and riding adventures through NYC. this is my first post and im going to use it to introduce myself, and my bike.
my name is Mosey, im 30, married with 2 kids and we live in a little apartment in gravesend brooklyn. i park my bike in the back of my landlords short driveway. its already been fucked with, more on that in another post. i work with technology for a living, integrating it in to peoples homes or business. av systems, home automation etc. im a geek.

when i was 16 i dropped out of school, got a job in manhattan and commuted daily. when i was 17 or 18, i decided to get a cheap bike. i really wanted a big BMW (the cruiser at the time, i forget the model). i went to BMW of Manhattan and applied for a finance, and got denied luckily. i had zero experience and i was trying to get a brand new bike. that didnt stop me though, i went out and bought an old suzuki(?) for $600. it was great, but a piece of shit. i rode daily to work, and to the jersey shore to my parents on the weekends. ill try and find a picture eventually.
six months in, i took a tumble on the nj turnpike. it was a beautiful day, and i was missing my exit as i wasnt paying attention. i tried to cut across the white painted area separating the highway from the exit, and between my hard braking, angle, and sandy painted area the bike slid out and flipped me sideways. i bounced a few times and came to a stop. i dont think i was doing more then 50, and when i fell i didnt hit my head at all, even though i was wearing a helmet. i didnt have any gloves on, i got a bit of road rash, and broke or sprained my wrists. i was fine, but decided to get something with 4 wheels. years later my wrists still hurt occasionally.
I got a 1966 Porsche 912.

it was incredible, i bought it on ebay for $4800 and drove it for 3 years straight as my daily driver. then i moved to san francisco for a year, and while i was gone, the car died while my brother took it out for a spin. the engine jus seized. i left it in my parents backyard for years hoping to one day restore it. i never did. it sat in my backyard for over 7 years rotting away. i decided to sell it, which i did on the 912 registry group on facebook. it sold just a few hours after i put it up, $2800.

with $2800 burning a hole in my pocket, i had to think quick. i had more then that in debt… but being responsible is no fun, and that money was from a special place, i had to let it live on some how. that porsche was part of me. i was thinking about a bike for a while, how much easier my life would be in manhattan getting between clients. i just had to convince my wife, which i did. it wasnt easy, but after some life partner bargaining i decided on a bike. i did a lot or research and thought that the BMW G 650 GS was perfect for me. ABS, great suspension to deal with shitty city streets (my office in brooklyn is mostly cobble stone streets), and it was a decent price, around $8k MSRP. i put $1k down on the bike, $1k towards credit card debt (need to be a little responsible), and the rest towards misc bike related items like a new helmet, bluetooth, boots, jacket and gloves. i bought the bike from BMW of Manhattan on 57th and 11th, the same dealership that denied me 12 years earlier, this time i got approved though. they threw in a free top box via promotion. i got my bike gear from an awesome shop in brooklyn called Union Garage.
thats my story, i now have a beautiful bike that i have ridden daily for the past 2+ months, and i love it. im still scared of dying, but i do really enjoy it. now that i got this intro post out of the way, i can start creating new posts showing my equipment, and documenting my eventful days. since im starting this “blog” a few months after i started riding, my first few posts will all be catch up posts until i .. um.. catch up to the present.
thanks for reading, if you made it all the way through.