when i first got my gerbing liner last week, i quickly hooked it up to the battery so i could start using it. as i used it, i noticed having the controller in my jacket pocket got really annoying. too many wires going back and forth to the bike and not clean at all. i wanted to find a good way to wire it all together. here’s how i did it …
im not sure if what i did is really the right way to do it, but i think it works well. let me know in the comments if you think otherwise.
i took the battery lead that came with it and routed it down under the main black plastic covering (fake gas tank), and down under to the seat area.. ending up right in front of the tool kit.

i then connected the controllers input to the battery leads output, coiled it up, through a few zip ties on it and even added a little electrical tape around the connection point to make it a little safer. im sure heat shrink would have been better but i dont have any.

i placed the controller on the side of the bike below where the seat ends in a spot that my legs wont hit. not 100% sure about a passengers legs but i think it should be ok for them too. its in a place where i can easily reach it when riding just by feel and memory.
i then routed the output of the controller back in under the seat area, and forward towards the front of the bike so it would pop out where the front of the seat met the bike… right where the lead from my liner comes out.

i used scotch dual lock velcro to attach the controller to the bike. it did not like that surface at all. i believe thats the gas tank. ill need to find something better. maybe just really tough double side 3M tape. the controller came loose after an hour of use. i’ll have to revisit that later.
i threw the seat back on, tested out the positioning and it was great. i had enough slack so that i could ride normally and it would not pull out.

the original battery lead thats now tucked under the seat had a nice end cap to it. i could not slip it off, and i wanted to use it on my controller output by the seat since its going to be exposed to the elements when not in use. i ended up cutting it off and zip tying it in place on the controller output. it holds well, but the cap does not fit perfectly on top. it fits, but does not stay tight. i think that it should still be ok for when its parked, as i tuck it in the seat crevice with the cap on just enough.

let me know what you think, if you have any ideas, criticism, i would love to hear it.
EDIT: the velcro backing did not stick to the gas tank. i ended up getting this and it seems to be holding much stronger.