MotoCamping - Week 8 - Black Rock, CT
/This week I kind of chose my camping site at random via reserve america. That worked out well because the camp site was nice, but the drive was longer then I thought it would be. Besides being 2.5 hours away, which I’m ok with, i also hit 40 minutes of weirdconstruction traffic. Still it was mostly a fun drive.

The night was mostly uneventful but pleasant. The sky was huge and the stars were bright. I cooked mushrooms as an appetizer which was new for me. Then kosher bratwurst and Heinz beans. I left the rain fly half up so I could sleep under the stars. That was fine until half way through my sleep I woke up cold. It dropped to 57 degrees, and with my summer sleeping bag that was not great. I woke up, closes the rain fly, and used my backup blanket on top of me. That kept me warm enough till the morning. That morning I woke up, made some coffee and breakfast, and went for a little hike. There was a nice little beach lake nearby that i checked out. Too cold to go in though. Eventually it got warmer near 10:30am. I started packing up and mid way through I decided to have some of my seeds and fruit mix. What happened next I did not expect. My temporary front tooth got knocked out from a small seed! I was now toothless and 3 hours from my dentist. I finished packing up, and headed down to Brooklyn. Luckily my dentist got my backup temporary tooth back in. The drive back to ny was actually really enjoyable. Because my tooth got knocked out I wasn’t rushing to any clients. Nice roads. I’m realizing how much this windscreen helps me. Good investment for sure.