Or is that racer mentality? I’m not sure, I’m too new to the bike scene. Seems that I’m more of the adventure mindset. Never mind that I’ve yet to be on any actual adventures outside of the manhattan sort.
I was in the market for a new helmet. I tried out my usual spot - the union garage - to try out new helmets. I was pretty sure I found the winner but I wanted to try on some shoie and arai helmets first. I went to the ducati triumph dealership off spring st in manhattan.
They had an awesome lineup of bikes in front of their shop. Maybe 40 bikes. They had a beautiful showroom full of bikes on the main floor, and downstairs they had a great selection of gear. They were very helpful and one sales lady even helped me properly test the fit of the helmet I was trying on. Interesting experience as no ones ever done that to / for me…..

As I was trying on helmets I heard someone mention that they were going to buy a heated jacket liner at their lunch break. I of course chimed in since I just recently got mine, and love it. I just mentioned to them how I just got mine … and love it.
I don’t remember the exact dialogue but another customer then chimed in to ask about how long the battery lasts. I mentioned that I plug it right in to my battery. He asked what battery. I said the one on my bike. They all looked at me like I was crazy.
What do you ride? They asked.
ooooo an adventure guy. Yah you guys are crazy. Our jacket liners have built in batteries. We don’t mess with any wiring.
I was a little shocked. First because I thought battery powered liners would be a rarity as it makes so much more sense to me to hard wire it. And secondly because just then I realized that a different mentality divided us. Not in a bad way. It just made me more aware of the differences between rider types, and which one I fall in to.
I looked at myself I’m the mirror with my riding gear on. Pants, liner, jacket, and realized that I am indeed the adventure type. Now I just need some real adventure.
Later that day I ended up buying the Schuberth C3 from union garage. More on that in my next post, hopefully after my Sunday ride.